Rotary kiln incineration systems are ideal for processing mixed industrial and hazardous wastes that include a combination of solid, sludge, and liquid waste streams. BLUTEK provides complete rotary kiln incineration packages including a broad range of waste storage and feed systems (ram feeders, sludge feed systems, liquid injection systems), complete combustion system packages, and many different options for continuous ash removal. Rotary kiln incinerators can be paired with custom engineered air pollution control systems for a turnkey solution to control your environment.

Key Points:

  • The highest level of flexibility for simultaneously processing a wide variety of mixed waste streams with large variations in heating value Temperatures to 1100ºC
  • Wet and dry ash removal
  • Wet and dry scrubber air pollution control systems
  • Heat recovery to produce steam or hot water
  • Tolerant of highly varied waste sizes and properties


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